22nd DevOps & Agile Talk Review

Despite the heat and weather that invites spending more time outdoors, we still managed to have an amazing 22nd meetup! The agenda was rich with interesting content as usual:

🦄 Akhil Reveendran Nair from Arvato systems Latvia talked about DevOps trends and how they all fit together.

🦄 Andris Aišpurs (efficiency leader and coach) made us think about decisions that drowned the Titanic.

🦄 Aleksandrs Ivascevs from Atea shared his experience of implementing the new SPACE framework in an enterprise.

🦄 Tatjana Kuzovkina showed great bravery and accepted the challenge of DevOps Karaoke!

The full stream of the event you can find on our YouTube channel. We’re sorry about the sound quality. There’s a few things we’re still figuring out with our tech 🙁 Once again, a big thanks to the sponsors of the event – Workland TelegraphArvato and Accenture.

😋 Hungry for more? Let’s take a little summer break but then come back together at the DevOps and Agile Summer Retreat on the 22nd of August. This is going to be an exclusive outdoor event with parallel tracks, 15+ speakers and at least a hundred attendees. And the best part is that it’s free! Make sure you sign up and block the calendar (there will be no live stream available, in-person only):

📢 Share on LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/events/devops-agilesummerretreat7193558061955866624/about/

📅 Register on Meetup – https://www.meetup.com/latvia-devops-and-agile-community/events/300444467/

🗣️ Become a speaker – https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:share:7195651567117602816/

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