8th DevOps Talk: How to Reduce Meeting and Public Speaking Anxiety

8th DevOps Talk

Happy New Year everyone! The weather in Latvia keeps changing per second, and so does our content for the next DevOps Talk, at 18:30 on the 25th of January.

This time, our guest Edgars Biezaitis will be talking about “How to reduce meeting and public speaking anxiety”. Let’s overcome glossophobia!

After the presentation, another fun part starts; the DevOps Talk! Do you have some doubts about implementing some specific technology and do you want to hear experiences from others? Or maybe is there a brain twister you have been searching for an answer to?  We have an open discussion that you can come up with your topics, whether tech-related or not. Cannot think of any topics? Don’t worry! You can still join the discussion or stay just as a listener.

Don’t know what to expect from DevOps talk? Check out the review of the 7th DevOps Talk (or watch the presentation on YouTube), or look further, and see reviews for all of them here: DevOps Talk Reviews.

Please sign up on meetup.com so you don’t miss it.
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82312647831?pwd=NHZiUjE3ZkphQWFlRStlR1ZOSGpTZz09

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