DevOps Links #1

<< #1 >> Think before you copy commands – ways how someone might hack your server. (read more)

<< #2 >> Guilds- Get Stuff Done Together: Excellent article describing how guilds function in different organization, and how they reach goals. (read more)

<< #3 >> Azure in plain english – Every cloud provider has made up fancy service names, like Service Fabric, AWS ElasticTranscoder etc. There is a table that explains all these terms in plain english and how they are called in other clouds. (read more)

<< #4 >> Ansible Container: A new tool by the Ansible project that aims to enable the automation of the entire container build, deployment and management process. Based on the familiar docker-compose format with added Ansible features, ansible-container is easy to pick up and start orchestrating applications both locally and in the cloud. (read more)

<< #5 >> Patterns which is shared between Build/Integrate/Deploy pipelines among projects. (read more)

<< #6 >> Every cloud provider has made up fancy service names, like Service Fabric, AWS ElasticTranscoder etc. There is a table that explains all these terms in plain english and how they are called in other clouds. (read more)


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