Lucky 13th meetup review

Like our previous DevOps Talk event our 13th event was in-person and kindly hosted by Workland Telegraph co-working space located right in the center of Riga. This time we chose to host two great speakers:

– Jukka Forsgren (Sr. Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services) with talk/demo about managing pipelines with AWS CDK Pipelines. Luckily for us Jukka came to Riga from his home city of Helsinki to show us CDK pipelines in action. As his demo showed us, CDK allows user to choose one of the supported programming languages (for demo Jukka chose python) and create pipelines for AWS resource creation. This approach allows developer/SRE/etc. to use already familiar tooling inside editor/IDE for code as well as other features like auto-complete which makes infrastructure development a lot easier. Jukka also mentioned environment separation by using multiple accounts for environment separation to ensure more security.

If you are interested in CDK pipelines you can check AWS CDK Pipeline workshop.

– Closing presentation meetup part one of the DevOps Talk organizers Uldis Karlovs-Karlovskis (Director of DevOps at EIS) had topic about team structure and leading. One of the themes was quite known but not always respected stances that engineers want to do technical work rather than leading team, for example. Although most things can be learned (leading is a skill too), everyone of us has certain traits that makes us better and more suited to specific roles in a team, e.g., Goldberg’s Five Factors of Personality, also known by abbreviation OCEAN, which is backed by personality research can help to better understand what specific strengths one has.
Speech was complimented by short “workshop” to better illustrate how misunderstood role assumptions can lead to project failures and miscommunication between leading and technical roles, for example.

Just like previous time we had DevOps journalist:

Hi, what’s your name and what do you do?
I am Ibraihm from Turkey currently intern in Accenture DevOps department.

What is your tech stack, what do you work with?
Mostly it’s terraform, k8s related stuff.

How did you liked presentations, what are some take-aways?
I arrived only to second part, nevertheless liked it. Was interesting to see about various types of developers. I think I will explore more about this topic.
Really enjoyed pizzas and beers [laughs].

Hi, what’s your name and what do you do?
Hi, my name is Pjotrs and I am from Riga, currently practicing DevOps.

What is your tech stack, what do you work with?
We have AWS hosted infrastructure with Jenkins, Sonar… but mostly it is Jenkins I work with, we have multiple instances in our project. Some part of it uses CloudFormation for infrastructure management.

How did you liked presentations, venue?
I like these premises here, good location. Happy to see other people as our company still has work-from-home policy, nice to meet everyone.

Thanks our sponsors for supporting us 🙂

Lets meetup on next event most probably will be on the 13th of December, 2022. Reserve the date and follow us on

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